I, like many of my Essex blood brothers, was looking forward to this show in the hope that it will show the real people from Essex and not the perceived typical Essex boys and girls that many people judge us on. Instead, I was very disappointed.
The show follows a bunch of rich, spoilt, morons from Brentwood in Essex as they "chat up birds" and glue fake diamonds to their pubic areas. It is a cross between seven days (also crap) and a Danny Dyer love novel. My main beef is how they try to make the bar in Brentwood (The SugarHut) appear as an upmarket swanky venue when it is just a bar in Brentwood, not Chelsea and I can confirm from personal experience it is not much different from a bar in Leigh on Sea.
The characters are all incredibly unlikeable from the get go. Mark is an especially unsavoury character, opting to brag about his riches and make his ex's (WAG looking wannabe) life miserable. I have only been able to stomach the first episode but this guy turned up on her birthday and flirted with some bird who is meant to be 21 (she looks mid 30s) just to make her jealous. I guess she deserved it for looking like she has overdosed on Sunny D but he must realise it is being filmed.
I do not want to spend too long ranting about how much I despise the show and cast so I will just ask you to do one thing, please do not make these people celebrities, I can confirm that no one watches this in London as they find it pathetic, "All people from London, wishes they was from Essex", yes and that is why everyone moves from London to Essex so that they can enjoy funky Brentwood and great fake tanned men.
My advice, avoid at all costs, these people have tried to buy fame, do not allow it, instead go outside and like the leafs on a tree.
You can find more about this pile of sh@@ below: