The Social Network - Movie Review

The Social Network

I am guessing that you have heard about a little website called face book, in fact some of you may have had counselling due to being Facebook raped. I feel your pain. Well, this film is about the guy who invented Facebook and all his chums.

What Did I Think?
I enjoyed this movie, it was interesting as we all use Facebook now and it has revolutionised our social communication as well as changing technology (SMART phones with Apps to Facebook etc) but to be honest, this could have been done in a documentary as the actual movie does not really hit as a genre. It is however amazing that Facebook was started only 8 years ago, it seems like we have had it forever. 
There are few jokes, no real shocks or twists and it is pretty average overall. I must mentioned though that Justin Timberlake was actually really good in this and it is the first time I believed him as an actor.

Worth a trip to the cinema?
No, I would wait for this one to come to DVD and rent it or wait for it to be on TV. If you see a documentary about the Facebook guy though, I would not bother as you will already know the story. 
It is not the type of film you can watch over and over either, so may not be worth a purchase, just a watch. 

7/10 Just because it was an interesting true story