Fantastic Personalised Portraits -

A friend of mine has recently set up a new business to make good use of their amazing drawing skills. Please take a look and spread the word if you know anyone who would like this service (be a great xmas or birthday gift!)

I really liked the idea of getting your kids pictured with a family member who has passed over or another cool idea would be to get pictures done of say a grandfather, a father and a son but when they were all 18 or something! Anyway, check it out and get in touch with them.

They can even add people to the photos from old pics.

I am planning on getting a drawing done of me and a celebrity to fool my friends but most of my friends are no longer around due to my so called "arrogance". I may instead get a picture of me with a goat and tell people in the streets that it is a magic goat and then I can swap it for some beans and plant them in my swamp. Then a big beanstalk will grow and I can finally eat a giant!