Movie Review - Hobo With A Shotgun (Really?)

This is another Grind house Trailer movie which was created from the trailers from Death proof similar to Machete.

I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed. I thought this would show the struggle that many homeless folk have with addiction and violence but instead it was a bum going round killing people with a shot gun.

This was the only film showing at the theatre with spaces and I hate missing my movie date night that me and my nan have on a Friday so we decided to see it. Im lucky that she has gone mental as she spent most of the movie counting, then recounting the number of m&ms in a packet, I just wish that they weren't the guys sitting next to us, I had to beat him to death with his own shoe, not a pretty site.

The film was similar to a Troma film (Toxic Avenger) with over the top characters and even more over the top gore but as in real life, you just don't care about the homeless guy.

I would only watch this if A) you had too because your family were being held hostage at gun point and they guy would only release them if you sat through this poop or B)if you had taking some mind altering drugs like Calpol

Rating: 2 ComedyMurphs out of 5