Super Injunction - There is a horrific story hidden away

Something much worse than affairs and hookers has gone unnoticed by the British public.

I can not say too much here but many people are interested in the footballers and affairs etc but this has totally distracted from another story. I am not risking going back to prison with Andy Durfresne so will say little more but read ALL of the stories carefully and you will see that a hideous act has taking place and its not one of the affair stories which quite frankly are not interesting news. Look at the twitter bloggers revealing the super injunctions to find out more.

On another Injunction related note, how is it that a prostitute is not being arrested for openly admitting she is one? I thought it was illegal but it appears that everyone is more concerned with people being named rather than illegal activities. It is like someone in a case going to the papers and saying "I was doing a massive cocaine deal with a premier league footballer but I have been forced by the courts to keep his name secret" well hang on, you just admitted to committing a crime.

It really gets my Goat.