X-Men First Class: Review
If you like the X-men franchise or are a closet geek then I think you will enjoy this one!
I grew up watching the X-men cartoons and enjoyed them greatly. They were an escape from my real life where I was the "mutant in school" or the "Elephant mans little brother" as my teachers used to call me. It was nice to think that one day I could find a group of misfits and use my powers for good or evil.
This new movie is pretty good, The first 2 x-men films were nice and the 3rd was ok but I was not a fan of X-men Origins (The Wolverine film). This is probably the best one overall.
It is a prequel to the original film trilogy and explains how professor X used to be a Scottish man with floppy Hugh Grant like locks and could walk but I think his womanising and heavy drinking ended up giving him premautre hair loss and an STD put him in the chair. His mate Eric, aka Magneto is also a main character and it shows how the Nazis done his family in and how he is fighting between his good an evil side.
The main villain in this flick is Kevin Bacon aka The Footloose Babe Pig In The City Faced Invisible Man - I did not know his character from the cartoon etc but basically he is a man who can absorb explosions and then re use them. He is like Magneto is in the later films, a visionary who supports a mutant only world (like my uncle jack who used to experiment with human teeth found in Cola bottles and cats found in peoples kitchens).
The other mutants are pretty cool too and a special mention goes out to Beast as he is played by our very own kid from E4's Skins.
All in all, a worthwhile film, its an action packed, comical light hearted entertaining movie and I would take my girlfriend to the cinema to see this if A) I had one and B) if I was allowed back in the Odeon after smear shit gate.
Overall Score: 4 ComedyMurphs out of 5